Folklore References

Black Medick
Plant Lore - Black Medick
The Flora of Castlewarden - Black Medick 
Wikipedia - Medicago lupulina
Arthur Lee Jacobson - Black Merrick

Monterey Spice Company - Cinquefoil
Plant Lore - Creeping Cinquefoil 
Alternative Nature Online Herbal - Cinquefoil Herb
Wikipedia - Potentilla reptans

William Smith : Wonders in Weeds

Tips Curing Disease - Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans)

Plant Lore - Cleavers 
Eldrum Herbs - Cleavers
Alternative Nature Online Herbal - Cleavers Herb 
A Modern Herbal - Clivers
Wild Flowers - Cleavers
Sky Meadows Nature Guide - Cleavers
Chris Packham - Wild Side of Town

Witchipedia - Comfrey 
Herb of Folklore - Comfrey 
Plant-Lore - Comfrey 

Cuckoo Pint
Gillian Plummer - Wild Flower Walk Myths and Magic 
Plant Lore - Lords and Ladies 
The Poison Garden Website - Arum maculatum 

The Practical Herbalist - Dandelion History, Folklore Myth and Magic
ChangingLifeStyleBlog - Dandelion Myths Legends and Folklore 
Thoughtco - Dandelion Magic and Folklore 
Why Do People Wish on Dandelions

Pitlane Magazine - Plant Folklore Dandelions 

Germander Speedwell
Veronica chamaedrys  Germander Speedwell
The Wildlife Trusts - Germander Speedwell
Plantlife Speedwell 

Growsonyou: Laburnum anagyroides 
Plant Lore: Laburnum 
The Poison Garden Website : Laburnum anagyroides, common laburnum
Wikipedia: Laburnum
Margaret Baker : Discovering the Folklore of Plants. Page 88

First Time Foragers: Medlars as we say in English 
English Language and Usage: Did the English call a fruit “openærs” for 700 years? 
Plant-Lore: Open-arse
Bee Culture: Medlar and Quince
Genius: Medlars and Sorb Apples
Wikipedia: Mespilus germanica

Wayfaring Tree
Wikipedia: Viburnum lantana 
Woodland Trust: Wayfaring (Viburnum lantana)
Philip B Mason: On the Popular Names of British Plants. Page 247

White Bryony
Plant Lore - White Bryony
The Poison Garden Website - Bryonia dioica
Willy Schrodter : A Rosicrucian Notebook
Waybreads - White Bryony
Historic UK - Trees and Plants Used in Witchcraft
Fantastically Wrong:Fantastically Wrong - The Murderous Plant That Grows From the Blood of Hanged Men 
White Dead Nettle
Plant Lore - White Dead Nettle 
Wikipedia - Lamium album
White Archangel 

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